Διαβούλευση: Διαδικασία κατάθεσης -καταγραφής απόψεων σχετικά με εκτέλεση οικοδομικών εργασιών εσωτερικού και εξωτερικού χώρου και τη χρήση εκσκαπτικών μηχανημάτων - κομπρεσέρ κατά τη θερινή περίοδο

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Construction of Properties.

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I am very concerned about the large numbers of properties being built on the island. It is most disruptive and antisocial that the construction continues throughout the summer with no recourse.

I believe it is imperative that the months of July and August are free of construction so that tourists can enjoy their holidays, which is the reason they come to the island. That businesses can operate and the locals can have some respite from the endless building works being carried out on the island.

It is my hope that this petition will have gravitas and help the inhabitants of the island in the future.



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