The digital platform supports the management of waste aiming to depict points of environmental interest, as well as the development of a digital community in which citizens, visitors/tourists and local businesses will post and interact on environmental issues.

Citizens will be able to report in real time from any computer or mobile possible problems they spot in public domain.

More specifically, the successful implementation of the platform targets the following:
  • Waste generation reduction: Waste generation is expected to decrease eg per capita waste generation or at least stabilization
  • Recycling increase: It is expected that the increased awareness that will be achieved with the implementation of the platform will result in increased waste recycling rates.
  • Diverted waste from landfill: In addition to increasing recycling rates, successful implementation of the platform is supposed to boost the achievement of other forms of waste management such as reuse or energy recovery.

The previously stated services are provided by α website accessible through any computer or mobile device (phone, tablet) and is combined with the application or/ad chatbot to be used on a mobile device.